
The treatment and obturation of the root canals; restoration and correction of the form and color of teeth; full restoration of total coronary teeth destructions.

In our professional practice we use the latest methods of treatment of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, wedge-shaped defects and erosions, fluorosis, enamel hypoplasia (its poor development) and other conditions. The use of advanced technologies, up to date materials, last generation anesthetic substances with special caution and care by our staff will protect you from any negative feelings during the treatment.

Diagnosis and treatment of dental caries

Dental caries is one of the most

common disorders of the dento – maxillary system, which is characterized by a gradual and localized loss of hard tooth tissue under the influence of several factors, including poor oral hygiene, excessive consumption of foods rich in sugar, smoking, stress and many other causes.

Dental caries can be complicated by infections and may even lead to tooth loss. Dental caries can be prevented by brushing your teeth and flossing them regularly, periodic dental check-ups with your dentist.

Filling (obturation) aims to replace the missing dental tissue and to achieve it different kinds of materials are used (the ones that are closest to natural tooth properties).

Treatment of pulpitis, periodontitis

If a patient doesn’t consult his dentist on time, and the caries evolves deeply within the dental tissues, complications such as pulpitis and periodontitis may develop.

Pulpitis is the inflammation of the soft tissue inside the tooth. Pulpitis is characterized by pain that gets worse when using cold, hot, sweet and spicy foods. When characteristic symptoms of pulpitis occur you should consult your doctor. Consulting your doctor too late can lead to serious complications.

Treatment of dental pulpitis involves administration of analgesics and anti-inflammatory substances for pain relief, but it also requires a dental examination. Your dentist will prescribe an antibiotic, will drain your tooth to remove the pus and clean the canals with antiseptic. After disinfecting the affected area, the dentist will try to keep the tooth by protecting the pulp. If it is not possible, the specialist will extract the pulp, will disinfect the dental cavity and will obturate the tooth.